Lip fillers have always been something that has fascinated me and, I’ll be honest, something that I have always wanted but never thought it would happen. I was so thrilled to be told about Dermoperfection.

My top lip has always been a part of me that I’ve never been happy with. It’s always been small and with every smile, it disappeared. Yes, there are makeup tips and tricks to enhance the appearance and make it look fuller, such as overlining, but what about the days that you don’t want or even feel like wearing lipstick?

When I had the opportunity to get a treatment from the newly opened Dermoperfection in Birmingham, I literally jumped at the chance!

Who Is Dermoperfection?

Dermoperfection is located at 36 Pinfold Street in Birmingham and is owned by fully registered practitioner Stu Logan. Stu trained at the leading cosmetic courses academy and has a wealth of experience and knowledge in aesthetics.

My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
Stu Logan, Managing Director & Chief Aesthetics Practitioner

Stu says “I have personally overseen every step and taken time to ensure that only the highest quality products are offered. That these products are accessed from registered UK providers and that all injectable treatments are sourced directly from UK pharmacists only. No corners are cut ever, quality and assurance that the products used are UK regulated is an absolute must and I want to give you the consumer that confidence, reassurance and the exceptional value that you deserve.”

My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
Stu Logan, Managing Director & Chief Aesthetics Practitioner

After reading all about him on the Dermoperfection website, I felt in very safe hands when booking my consultation.


The process couldn’t be easier. Dermoperfection have an online booking system where you can select the timeslot that is best suited to you. You need to have a consultation first, with a brief cooling off period of at least a couple of days before your treatment date, just in case you think of any more questions, or of course, you change your mind about the treatment. During the consultation, Stu will decide what fillers to use on you, this will depend on the desired result that you want.

Treatment Day

The day of the treatment came and I was so excited. Finally, I was going to have the lips that I have always wanted. Stu was so lovely and made me feel at complete ease because I really didn’t have a clue what to expect. He explained what he was going to do and asked me to fill out the consent form and we were good to go.

The Lip Filler Experience

I had some numbing cream applied to my lips which is the most bizarre of sensations. It also doesn’t taste great but that is more my fault for chattering away. You’re not supposed to eat it, after all!

After about ten minutes Stu went in with the injections. I wish I could remember how many I had, but it’s all a little bit of a blur if I’m honest. I won’t lie, it is painful. You’re having a needle in your lips, so it’s not going to be pain-free but I just kept telling myself ‘you’ve gone through childbirth, get over it!’. Within ten minutes the treatment was done and I was thrilled to be able to see the results immediately.

I was expecting a lot of swelling, but to be honest it never really came. I felt comfortable walking around Birmingham city centre after the treatment, confident that no one could guess what I had had done. I was more bothered that my face was missing makeup around my mouth!

Stu advised keeping the lips moisturised as much as possible and gave me a card that had all of the do’s and don’ts post-treatment. These are things like no alcohol, or smoking in the hours proceeding the injections. Nothing major and all easy to do. He explained that any swelling should go down within 48 hours and be warned some bruising may appear. I was obviously very lucky as I had barely any swelling and just one tiny bruise which was easily covered with make-up.

The Results

I was and still am, absolutely thrilled with the results of my lip fillers. For the first few days, I couldn’t stop looking at them. They have now become a part of me and I don’t think I can imagine going back to how I was before. They look so natural which was just the look I wanted. My Mum had concerns I would end up with a ‘trout pout’ and even she has said how lovely they look!

My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
Before and after
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
With lipstick
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
Without lipstick

As if all of this wasn’t enough, I then got to go along to the influencers launch night at the clinic and got to meet all of the influencers that had been involved in the launch and talk to them about their experiences. I didn’t speak to one person who didn’t love their treatments. They had a mixture of lip fillers, skin peels, anti-wrinkle injections and fibroblast treatment. They all looked amazing.

My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham
My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham

I can’t recommend Dermoperfection enough if you are in the Birmingham area and are considering any form of aesthetic treatment. Stu (and Amy, his colleague) are polite, friendly and make you feel completely at ease about asking any questions you might have. A full list of treatments available at Dermoperfection is listed on their website.Dermoperfection will also be opening their doors on Monday the 24th June between 2.30pm-8 pm for a Beauty ‘Decoded’ event. This is an opportunity for those people that have been curious but apprehensive about having a cosmetic aesthetic treatment to receive a consultation, feel the products and speak with Stu directly to demystify preconceptions of aesthetic treatments. You can register your interest here:

I want to take this opportunity to thank Stu for the wonderful treatment and experience that I had whilst visiting Dermoperfection. It’s safe to say I will be back, I’ve started something now. I can’t wait!

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My Lip Filler Experience with Dermoperfection, Birmingham